Travelling is the most amazing thing, but beauty on-the-go for a long time is kind of tricky. You don't want to pack too much if you need to travel light, but you also want versatility and options when you're out and about!
Here are some tips and tricks you can use when travelling abroad or when taking a small trip nearby:
Here are some tips and tricks you can use when travelling abroad or when taking a small trip nearby:
1. Makeup wipes + cream = yay! (aka: makeup wipes aren't your enemy)
Taking with you a makeup remover is too much of a hassle. If it's micellar water, there's a high possibility it will leak in your suitcase. Hence, my use of olive oil or body cream... and it WORKS!
During my trip to Turkey, I took a miniature bottle of body cream by accident... and it saved me. When you're doing touristy things, you aren't precisely looking for a drugstore (which in some countries, is NOT an easy feat even if you are) to buy makeup remover.
I applied the cream all over my face, I dabbed it on my lashes and on my eyelids. Be careful and buy a cream that isn't liquid, because you don't want it to get into your eyes! (I know this sounds kind of dangerous even, but I've been doing it for years and never had a single problem. AND mascara just comes right off!)
I let it do it's own thing for 10 seconds or more... and then, using my makeup wipes I remove it gently. This ensures your eyes won't suffer too much scrubbing and your lashes won't fall.

2. Don't take blush, take lipstick!
This is one trick you all probably know about but maybe you don't really use it as much in your daily life. I love using slightly creamy lipsticks as both blush (dabbing some on directly from the bullet and then blending it with your own fingers) and light lipstick. I especially love this when using a red lipstick that isn't extremely opaque but rather natural such as Bourjois Colour Boost Lip Crayon in Red Island:
I love the natural flush effect... which I usually achieve with my Stila Convertible Color in Poppy. Plus, as it is slightly shiny this is another way of highlighting your cheeks! (Pats self on the back)
3. Don't forget your lip balm!
Aside from using it on your lips, lip balm can be used for so many things. I like to use this in place of a heavy duty moisturizer when I'm on a plane as your skin can get extremely dry when enduring those conditions for long. Around the eyes, dabbing it or maybe on any dry skin patch you may have... works wonders!
4. To mascara or not to mascara...
I know this is kind of horrifying to some people, but 99% of the time I don't wear any mascara. It's not a feeling I cherish on my eyes, especially because I usually wear contact lenses and I tend to rub my eyes every once in a while.
I do wear mascara when going out or when I'm meeting someone for dinner/lunch/coffee, but usually I stick to some smudged out brown eyeshadow [I use: KIKO Long Lasting Stick Eyeshadow in #39], lining my upper waterline or a thin line in black very close to the lashes (only on the upper lid) [I use: Maybelline Gel Eyeliner in Black].
However, if you absolutely need mascara, take a look at tip número uno to remove it afterwards!
5. Clear nail polish FTW!
If you're on a short (1-3 day) trip, don't pay attention to this tip. However, if you're travelling for more than 5 days, I completely recommend you to go bare from the get go. This way, you won't have a half chipped nail polish during your whole trip and it won't bother you either. If you just can't part ways with nail polish, use a clear nail polish that won't be too noticeable if/once it chips!
What tricks and tips do you use when travelling?